CGN members Roxana Benavides, NP, General Surgery, and APP manager Neil Wiegand, PA-C, recently traveled for eight days to Nuevo Progresso, Guatemala, to engage in global health work. As part of a long-term collaborative initiative to improve surgical care in Nuevo Progresso, Roxana and Neil were integral members of a surgical team that worked with local partners to provide free surgical care at the Hospital de La Familia. The cases included hernia repairs, cholecystectomies, and the removal of masses. They also treated 50 pediatric patients.
As a bilingual-speaker Roxana aided in the integration with the Guatemalan team and patients and oversaw morning and evening rounds, in addition to scrubbing into the OR.
Neil has worked in Guatemala before, while this was Roxana's first trip. Their efforts demonstrated the impact of APPs on global health. To learn more, join us as Roxana and Neil present about their trip at an upcoming quarterly meeting.